IQVIA Pharma jobs - safety associate Trainee vacancies January 2021| B pharmcy, m pharmacy and D pharmacy jobs in Bangalore - PHARMA STUFF


Jan 14, 2021

IQVIA Pharma jobs - safety associate Trainee vacancies January 2021| B pharmcy, m pharmacy and D pharmacy jobs in Bangalore

IQVIA Recruitment Details January 2021

IQVIA is looking for freshers candidates who have completed Bpharma/Mpharma/PharmaD/BHMS/BAMS/ BDS/MDS. The candidate without course completion certificate / provisional degree certificate are not eligible.

Department name : Safety

Position title : Safety Associate trainee

Job R117030

Location : Bangalore

Grade: 110

Please send your updated resume to girishrn009@gmail .com

Please note: If you have already reffered before by any one from IQVIA your application will not be considered.


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